3rd Sem VTU BCS306B Notes Download | OOP with C++

The 3rd Sem VTU BCS306B Notes are available here. The students writing the VTU Object Oriented Programming with C++ (OOP with C++) exam on Friday, 24/01/2025 can download the OOP with C++ Notes here. The direct Links are given below.

VTU BCS306B Notes: Overview

Subject CodeBCS306B
Subject NameObject Oriented Programming (OOP) with C++
UniversityVisvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)
Year2nd Year
Semester3rd Sem

OOP with C++ Complete Handwritten Notes

The link to download OOP with C++ Complete Handwritten Notes is given below. Students can download the notes.

Module -1

Syllabus: An overview of C++: What is Object-Oriented Programming? Introducing C++ Classes, The General Form of a C++ Program. Classes and Objects: Classes, Friend Functions, Friend Classes, Inline Functions, Parameterized Constructors, Static Class Members, When Constructors and Destructors are Executed, The Scope Resolution Operator, Passing Objects to functions, Returning Objects, Object Assignment 

Module – 2

Syllabus: Arrays, Pointers, References, and the Dynamic Allocation Operators: Arrays of Objects, Pointers to Objects, The this Pointer, Pointers to derived types, Pointers to class members. Functions Overloading, Copy Constructors: Functions Overloading, Overloading Constructor Functions. Copy Constructors, Default Function Arguments, Function Overloading and Ambiguity. 

Module – 3

Syllabus: Operator Overloading: Creating a Member Operator Function, Operator Overloading Using a Friend Function, Overloading new and delete Inheritance: Base-Class Access Control, Inheritance and Protected Members, Inheriting Multiple Base Classes, Constructors, Destructors and Inheritance, Granting Access, Virtual Base Classes 

Module – 4

Syllabus: Virtual Functions and Polymorphism: Virtual Functions, The Virtual Attribute is Inherited, Virtual Functions are Hierarchical, Pure Virtual Functions, Using Virtual Functions, Early vs Late Binding. Templates: Generic Functions, Applying Generic Functions, Generic Classes. The type name and export Keywords. The Power of Templates 

Module – 5

Syllabus: Exception Handling: Exception Handling Fundamentals, Handling Derived-Class Exceptions, Exception Handling Options, Applying Exception Handling. The C++ I/O System Basics: C++ Streams, The C++ Classes, Formatted I/O File I/O: and File Classes, Opening and Closing a File, Reading and Writing Text Files, Detecting EOF.

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